The Guidelines to EU policy towards third countries on the death penalty (Act of the General Affairs Council -- Luxemburg, 29 June 1998) aim to present the obligations and the elements of the policy of the European Union concerning the universal abolition of the death penalty and to assure that, in the case it exists, the death penalty is executed in conformity with the minimum standards.
The Guidelines of EU Policy towards third countries on death penalty are available under:
Where States insist on maintaining the death penalty, the EU considers it important that the following minimum standards should be met:
If an individual case of an application of the death penalty does not respect these minimum standards, it is possible to report the situation to the Missions of the EU (Embassies of the EU Member States and the Delegations of the European Commission) in the relevant country.
The delivered information must include succinct indications concerning the supposed committed crime, the criminal proceedings, the exact nature of the violation of the minimal standards, the situation concerning a possible appeal and the scheduled date of the execution if it is known. After coordination, the European Missions initiate every reasonable démarche to avoid the execution. The information about imminent sentences to death has to be reported as soon as possible to the EU Missions.
Last change: 27.11.08 - 22:01