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MINURCAT – UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad

On 25 September 2007, the UN Security Council, by its resolution 1778, approved the establishment, in concert with the European Union, of a multidimensional presence intended to help create the security conditions conducive to a voluntary, secure and sustainable return of refugees and displaced persons in consultation with the authorities of the Central African Republic and of Chad. The mandate was renewed in 2008 and 2009. There is a special Human Rights section within the mission.

Its task is the following:

  • To contribute to the monitoring and to the promotion and protection of human rights in Chad, with particular attention to sexual and gender-based violence, and to recommend action to the competent authorities, with a view to fighting impunity; and
  • To support, within its capabilities, efforts aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Government of Chad and civil society through training in international human rights standards, and efforts to put an end to recruitment and use of children by armed groups.”

With regards to monitoring, particular attention is paid to monitoring and investigating on cases and incidents of sexual and gender based violence, the recruitment and use of children as combatants by the various armed groups. At field as well as at national level, the human rights section’s strategy has been to systematically bring cases of violation and abuse directly to officials, including the judiciary, prosecution and police in order to request that investigations be conducted in order to identify the perpetrators and prosecute them, and where possible to get remedy and corrective actions in favour of the victims and survivors.

Through its capacity building activities, the human rights section works with civil society organizations and governmental entities. It has also been providing technical support to the Chadian Ministry of Human Rights and Promotion of Liberties. The section is supporting the Ministry’s efforts to organize a national Human Rights Forum which will result in the development and adoption of a human rights plan for Chad. The section is also supporting the Ministry in the deployment of their human rights delegates in eastern Chad.

MINURCAT Human Rights Section initiated its activity in April 2008 and counts, to date, four regional offices (field offices) in Abéché, Farchana, Iriba and Goz Beida and a liaison office in N’Djamena coordinated by the section’s leadership based in Abeche.


Innocent Balemba Zahinda
Chief, Human Rights
United Nations Mission in CAR and Chad
Tel: +235 – 6900210/Tel: +39-083 125 6958/Tel: +39-083 125 6120
Email: zahinda(at)

Last change: 22.09.11 - 10:25