In each country that adheres to the OECD Guidelines, a National Contact Point (NCP) is charged to promote, diffuse and implement them. At the OECD level, a committee named CIME (Committee on International Investments and Multinational Enterprises) is committed to the harmonisation of the national practices.
M. Julien Rencki
Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi
Direction Générale du Trésor et de la Politique Economique
Service des Affaires Multilatérales et du Développement '
Sous-direction des affaires financières internationales et du développement
139, rue de Bercy
75572 Paris cedex 12
Tel: (33) 01 44 87 73 60
Fax: (33) 01 53 18 76 56
Email: julien.rencki(at),
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
- Auslandsinvestitionen VC3 -
Scharnhorststrasse 34-37
10115 Berlin
Tel: (49-30) 2014 75 21
Fax: (49-30) 2014 5378
The National Contact Point has to respond to the enquiries which are submitted to them to verify the conformity with the OECD Guidelines on the behaviour of a multinational enterprise whose place of business or one of the facilities is installed in the country. The procedure foreseen is as follows.
Last change: 16.12.08 - 15:01